Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Shooting Bronzini...and others

I was hired to shoot Bronzini. I didn't know what he did or what he "didn't do" to call me in. All they told me is that he was coming that morning from either Greece or Italy in the Mediterranean. After the shoot they would put him in "The Freezer"

I set it up that day and waited. They brought him over. I grabbed him and wrestled him onto table. He was slippery but cooperative and we all knew what was to happen next. It didn't take too long despite the fact that I had to take a few shots....

This is Bronzini. I shoot Food. I'm also the fish guy

who has
" The Fish Series..." an ongoing art project that is now showing some images with the "Works in Progress"  photo show, as part of the Miami Visual Collective,  appearing at the Jorge Hullian Gallery , 5864 Sunset Drive,South Miami, FL.

So it would be a perfect fit that I should shoot an assignment involving fish. My client had just that in mind when he called. They are one of the best fresh fish providers in the state, supplying top chefs and high end restaurants with both known and some unusual fish from different parts of the world. Bronzini was one of them.

The director of this job couldn't be on location but we kept  communicating by posting images live online as we shot them. With me, besides my assistant, was the designer and owner, watching the monitor as images appeared and after some careful time for initial approvals on backgrounds colors etc, we went on to execute my mission.

It doesn't get any fresher than this by setting it up on location. Full scale lighting for such small colorful items help make them clean and makes their colors sparkle. Styling them is another challenge and sometimes the simpler something looks the harder it is. Luckily my sous chef experience comes into play as this time we didn't bring in one of the great food stylists I work with. This job presented its own set of challenges and time constraints but it's part of the job and why I love doing  it.

PS. my wife made me sleep on the couch that night.

Sunday, June 24, 2012


"...the good of the whole benefits the one..." It's something I always thought and still do.  Sure there are many rugged individuals who like to say they made it all on their own...they're full of crap. No one really does. We all need each other or better yet, the right others.

Groups, societies, clubs associations, unions etc become the bowl from where we mix the right ingredients to produce a flavor that makes them come back for more.

Photographers are mostly solo people in a solo game. They are a mostly a one man show with a one man approach. In the telephone era we were all one on one. "Let's do lunch," ...that worked well... then, not so much today. The world for an individual is a much bigger place with its doorway on your desk, on your lap and in your cell phone. Welcome to everyone on the planet and with it global competition.

Are you still standing alone? 12 photographers chose not to and MiamiVisualCollective was formed. Its ingredients blended together over years of mutual cooperation and reliance on each others expertise and performance via the groups they belonged to, and the assignments and clients they sometimes crossed over with. Over that time, professional respect and trust became the binding factor that brought them together and gives them the ability to perform and produce quickly when needed.

While each have different strengths, all share the same interests and love of what they do. That love can be seen in their first "collective" exhibit..."Works in Progress."   

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day

I thought I saw my dad. He was standing right in from of me staring me in the face. He seemed slightly different but then again I haven't seen him in two years. There was a lot to catch up on but it caught me at a sleepy moment. The things he said came to mind from the last discussion we had and I heard his voice when I said hello. I remained there frozen going back to a time space in my mind when we went out in the canoe together.

He, as always, voiced his strong opinions on whatever topic or current event was taking place. The government,the president,the economy,religIons and a myriad of people became unending topics . As usual I disagreed , the devil's advocate but that was the norm. I knew he was right most of the time, just had to challenge it to be sure.

It became funny to me until one day in a friendly argument my wife said " You sound just like your father ! "  Last week Macy had a sale and I was happy to pick up a few new shirts. Trying on a favorite choice brought out another , " That looks your father."  I bought it anyway.Over coffee I read about an eastern religion and renewed my subscription to Time magazine.

I thought I saw my dad, but when I reached out to touch him, my hand hit the bathroom mirror. Happy Father's Day dad…. you're still here.... and I like that shirt even more.